Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Red Barn

One thing that seems to stay constant in my real estate life is an appreciation of architecture, form, light and color. Some pretty typical-looking homes just seem to catch my eye. I guess the same thing goes for cars, people, animals, and yes – even barns.

I was driving to a new property assignment yesterday morning. There was a moderate fog at my first stop, and as I neared my second destination, the sun was poking through and burning the fog off. I’ve passed this particular barn many times over the years, but coming out of a foggy patch into the sun and seeing this dilapidated old barn in that exact light made it seem as though I were seeing it for the first time.

Of course I pulled over and grabbed my always available camera to snap a few shots. This one was at f5.6, 1/1000 sec exposure and ISO 800. It’s definitely the one I like the best.

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