Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Signs Of Spring

We live in a big country.  We have almost every conceivable global climate within our borders. It shouldn’t surprise us that here in SE Michigan, we can have a very lovely Spring day while our friends in Colorado are getting hammered by a snow storm.  But there are always little joys if you have your eyes and ears open.

I had the windows down as I drove today, and in a wetland area, the peepers were almost deafening.  I pulled over and just listened to the chorus of small frogs carry on for a number of minutes. 

My tulips have started to sprout, but are still quite short.  Our winter has been stubborn this year, so even with a couple of warm days, I expect more cold days to come.  Visiting a listing today, I was made happy by the appearance of another harbinger of Spring – the crocus.

Sitting in an unassuming garden bed, they were the only splash of color present.  The iridescent purple petals offset by bright orange anther were like little spotlights in an otherwise drab setting.  I grabbed my camera and took a few shots even though the overall setting was not the most attractive, but let’s face it, crocuses don’t hang around long.  You had better enjoy them when you can!

They sprout and blossom to announce the end of the winter season, then promptly go back to ‘stealth’ mode until the following year.  I’m glad I caught them when I did, and I’m glad I could take a few minutes to enjoy the spring peepers, too.
photo by Bob Smith

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