Thursday, June 13, 2013

Keeping Wine Fresh

I don’t often have wine that sticks around for more than a few days after being opened, but for those of you that do, you may have struggled with keeping wine fresh.  This is definitely more of a problem with red wine.  White wine can be capped and placed in the refrigerator and seems to ‘keep’ so much easier.

A few years ago, I purchased a Vacu-vin for around $10.  Special stoppers and a hand pump that suck the air out of the wine bottle works very well for my short term storage of open bottles.  But I came across an article this morning that reviewed five different wine storage techniques – with varying prices and varying degrees of effectiveness.

I know that wine is a much more popular choice for many people than in years past and thought I’d share it with you (the article, not the wine!).  If you have a favorite way to keep your wine fresh, feel free to share it here.
image courtesy of

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