Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Blood Drive October 30th at Preview Properties in Brighton

Going to be in the Brighton area on Friday, October 30th?  Hey, it's the day before Halloween and you get a great opportunity to do a little reverse-Dracula-ing.  Our office is hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive that day from 11:00 AM to 4:45 PM at 130 W. Grand River, Brighton 48116.
Afterwards, forget about the traffic and browse around the downtown businesses or treat yourself to a great lunch or dinner at one of the many restaurants in the area.

To schedule an appointment you can log in at and enter the sponsor code Preview, or call Lisa at 810-220-1505.  Another great way to make an appointment is by using the Red Cross Blood App, available for Apple and Android platforms at the app store or google play, respectively.

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