Monday, October 05, 2015

Support Your Local Residents And Great Causes, Too

No, not like local businesses, although I feel strongly that we should be doing that, too.  I’m talking about people that get involved in really good causes for other organizations.

Most of us have at one time or another done some fundraising for a group. Maybe a church, a PTA, Boy or Girl Scouts, a youth sports team, or perhaps a cause that struck us personally, like a foundation for a disease that afflicted a family member or friend.

Here’s one (I could probably write pages worth) from a great local runner that deserves consideration.

Team World Vision is a great cause. They are dedicated to providing fresh, clean water to areas in Africa where water is scarce.  They drill wells, install pipelines and construct water purification stations as well as teach the inhabitants how to operate and maintain them.
Here, in Michigan, we can take safe and abundant water for granted. After all, we’re surrounded by the largest group of freshwater lakes in the world, containing 21% of the world’s fresh water by volume. Not many think of how fortunate we are every time we use the faucet or take a few extra minutes in that nice, hot shower.

My friend Mark Van Netten is raising money for this cause along with his running of the 2015 Detroit Free Press/Talmer Bank Marathon on October 18th.  If you think this is a good cause, you can donate via Mark’s page below.  He’s running the full marathon, by the way. It sounds funny to say ‘full marathon’ but since there’s a half marathon I thought I’d make that distinction for non-runners. A marathon is 26.2 miles, in case you didn’t know.   Every dollar helps this great cause, so please consider donating at 

Team World Vision is a legitimate group with good reviews on That's is an information service that specializes in providing non-profit information. You can check Team World Vision’s status here. I donated and I hope you will, too.

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