Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Extreme Property Line Disputes

Ever had a neighbor that insisted that the property line was different than your belief?  Did he sue you?  Make life miserable in other ways? Well, here’s a rather extreme story.

A Norwegian man believed that his neighbor’s outhouse (which had been converted to a shed) was encroaching on his property.  While his neighbors were vacationing, he hired two workers to cut the offending piece of the building off, then he dumped the debris in their garden.

Turns out he was wrong.  You saw that coming, didn’t you? 

After a year of legal proceedings, he was charged with aggravated vandalism. No word on the sentence, but this same man has had other property disputes with other neighbors where he was also wrong and had destroyed property.

At what point do you think it’s not wise to get a survey?  Read the full story here.

And if you have real estate questions, feel free to call me - preferably before you destroy your neighbor's shed.  At least I'll recommend you talk to an attorney first!

image courtesy of imagerymajestic/freedigitalphotos.net

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